International Missions

At Grace Presbyterian Christchurch, we long to see our city and the world be transformed by knowing Jesus as LORD. We support and aim to be involved in missions in our community and around the world.

Missionaries We Support

Katherine introduces herself…

I am Katherine, a kiwi nurse, who has been serving in an remote area in the East Africa region for the last few years. My current main role is leading and teaching at a health training school where we are training locals to serve their own people, who have known decades of conflict and isolation. The area has a mixture of faiths, but freedom of religion is prized and there are opportunities for discussions about life and faith as well as the call to live a faithful life amongst our neighbours.. I’m a kiwi nurse who amongst the dirt, cups of chai, shouts of joy and wailing is learning about myself, God and life as I falteringly love Sudani.

Babu and Grace Thomas - Halba Mininstry

There about 800 000 Halbi speaking people in central India. For many years, Babu and Grace have been at work to translate the Bible into Halbi and to assist with pastoral training, vacation Bible school, tailoring classes and medical aid.

The New Testament was published a few years ago and translation of the Old Testament is well under way with Proverbs completed and distributed for feedback late 2024.

Phil and Rachel - SE Asia

Phil and Rachel and their four children are currently discerning a call to serve God in full-time missions in Southeast Asia. They would love to share this journey with each of the churches of GPCNZ and develop some special partnerships with several of the churches as well.

Phil and Rachel are working with OMF and hoping to leave NZ for their mission field in 2026.

Organisations We Support

Grace for Pakistan is directed by Amjad Khan, a ruling elder of Redeemer Grace Presbyterian Church ( in Auckland, of the Grace Presbyterian Church of New Zealand ( Grace for Pakistan is administered through the Grace for Pakistan Trust also out of Redeemer Grace Presbyterian Church at which it is a recognised mission outreach

Grace for Pakistan has actively been working in Pakistan since 2010 and is a front-line ministry with a national evangelistic team,

We distribute  Free Bibles and gospel tracts to all over Pakistan.There are so many Pastors/Evangelists on the G4P List receive free bibles and gospel tracts for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Missio Dei

in 2010 Missio Dei started to get involved with helping learners in grade 3 to improve their reading and mathematics ability to help remedy the critical situation of low literacy in South Africa.

We started a program where we train people, with the right qualifications,  from communities around the challenged schools to serve as tutors to the children who are behind in grade 3. Our training focuses on three subjects, discipleship, reading and mathematics. Schools avail classrooms to our program so that we can help children at their schools. By doing this we create jobs for desperate people in poor communities as well as impacting children to make better progress in school.

 By the grace of God we were able to grow this program, and today we have 34 centres at different schools where we help more than 2000 children per day from Monday to Thursday. We can see how the tutors and children grow spiritually in their relationship with our King Jesus, and we see clearly how children are improving in their academics, guiding them to a brighter future.

Arabian Hekayat Limited provides a comprehensive array of services centered around the rich tapestry of the Arabian Peninsula. As specialists in the cultural and linguistic landscapes of Arabian Peninsula countries, they take pride in offering tailored solutions to meet clients’ unique needs.

Arabian Hekayat creates Youtube content that explains the Gospel to Arabic speakers in ways that are creative and relevant.

Cambodian Hope Organization works to build strong, independent, hope-filled communities in Poipet, an area located on the Thai-Cambodia border. They have been involved in rescuing children from child-traficking and are currently focused on building a Christian school.

Our church has a long association with CHO founder Chomno In and his family. A number of our members have visited Poipet in the past and we hope to do so again.

Alongside Ministry is based in Ndola, Zambia headed up by Pastor Kabwe of the Grace Reformed Baptist Church. In 2023, Andrew Young met with Kabwe in Africa and found that they shared a passion to see young pastors (and those training to be pastors) grow in their spirituality and biblical knowledge. This had been foundational to Andrew’s ministry in New Zealand, and it was also something gripping Kabwe more and more. He (Kabwe) was convicned that working together had great potential to impact Zambia.

Want to be involved in our missions?

If you would like to hear more about the missionaries we support at Grace, be involved, or even speak to our missions committee, please email us at We would love to talk with you more about how we can partner in the Gospel.